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@augments Back

This tag is the same with @extends

The @augments or @extends tag indicates that a symbol inherits from, and potentially adds to, a parent symbol. It can be used to document class-based and prototype-based inheritance.

1. Prototype-based Inheritance

 * Animal
 * @constructor
function Animal() {
    this.alive = true;

 * Horse
 * @constructor
 * @extends Animal 
function Horse() { = 'horse';

Horse.prototype = new Animal();
Horse.prototype.speak = function() { this.alive && console.log(; };

2. Class-based Inheritance

 * Animal
 * @class 
class Animal {
    constructor() {
        this.alive = true;

 * Horse
 * @class
 * @extends Animal 
class Horse extends Animal {
    constructor() {
        super(); = 'horse';

    speak() { this.alive && console.log(; }
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