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GLSL, a.k.a OpenGL Shading Language, is a high-level shading (著色) language based on the syntax of the C programming language. It was created to give developers more direct controls of the graphics pipeline without having to use ARB assembly language or hardware-specific languages.

GLSL shaders are not stand-alone applications, because they require an application that utilizes the OpenGL APIs, which is available on many different platforms (e.g., GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows).

In this document, I will note that how to use it in JavaScript.


Before using this language, we should set up some utils to use before:


I hope to learn GLSL via "[O`Reilly] GLSL Essentials", and make some notes here:


A series of creative examples implemented with GLSL:

Procedural Clouds Extending Three.js' Sprite Image Unroll Effects with Three.js
Animated Heat Distortion Effects with WebGL Rain & Water Effect Experiments
Interactive Hover Effects with Three.js Raindrop FX (inspired by the "Rain & Water Effect Experiments")
Rock the Stage with a Smooth WebGL Shader Transformation on Scroll
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