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Hoisted Back

1. Instruction

  • var declarations get hoisted to the top of their scope, but their assignment does not.
  • const and let declarations also get hoisted to the top of their scope, but their references do not.
  • const and let declarations are blessed with(享有) a new concept called Temporal Dead Zones (TDZ).
  • It's important to know that typeof is no longer safe.
 * var
    console.log(foo);   /** undefined       */
    var foo = 2;

 * let and const
    len foo;
    console.log(foo);   /** undefined       */
    foo = 2;

     * In ECMAScript 2015, let will hoist the variable
     * to the top of the block. However, referencing the 
     * variable in the block before the variable declaration 
     * results in a ReferenceError. 
     * The variable is in a "temporal dead zone"
     * from the start of the block until the
     * declaration is processed.
    console.log(foo);   /** ReferenceError  */
    const foo = 2;

2. Function expressions

  • Anonymous function expressions hoist their variable name, but not the function assignment.
function example() {
    console.log(anonymous);     /** undefined                   */

    anonymous();                /** TypeError, not a function   */

    var anonymous = function() {
        console.log('anonymous function expression');
  • Named function expressions hoist the variable name, not the function name or the function body.
function example() {
    console.log(named);     /** undefined                       */

    named();                /** TypeError, not a function       */

    f();                    /** ReferenceError, f not defined   */

    var named = function f() {

function example() {
    console.log(named);     /** undefined                       */

    named();                /** TypeError, not a function       */

    var named = function named() {

3. Function declarations

  • Function declarations hoist both the name and the function body.
function example() {
    f();    /** => f    */

    function f() {

4. More details