Modules Back

1. Use modules

  • Always use modules(import/export) over a non-standard module system. You can always transpile(轉譯) to your preferred module system.
 * bad
const StyleGuide = require('./StyleGuide');
module.exports = StyleGuide.es6;

 * ok
import StyleGuide from './StyleGuide';
export default StyleGuide.es6;

 * best
import { es6 } from './StyleGuide';
export default es6;

2. Do not use wildcart imports

the reason is that this can make sure you have a single default export.

 * bad
import * as StyleGuide from './StyleGuide'

 * good
import StyleGuide from './StyleGuide'

3. Do not export directly from imports

  • it's not recommended to export directly from an import.

the reason is that having one clear way to import and one clear way to export makes things consistent.

 * bad
export { es6 as default } from './StyleGuide';

 * good
import { es6 } from './StyleGuide';
export default es6;