Objects Back

1. Use {}

  • To use the literal syntax for object creation.
  • Eslint rules tags: no-new-object
 * bad
const item = new Object();

 * good
const item = {};

2. Do not use reserved words

  • If your code will be executed in browsers in script context, remember that it's not recommended to use reserved words as keys.

the reason is that they won't work in IE8, but it's OK to use them in ES6 modules and server-side code.

 * bad
const heros = {
    default: { name: 'aleen' },
    private: true

 * good
const heros = {
    defaults: { name: 'aleen' },
    hidden: true
  • It's recommended that using readable synonyms(同義詞) in place of reserved words.
 * bad
const heros = {
    class: 'alien'

 * bad
const heros = {
    klass: 'alien'

 * good
const heros = {
    type: 'alien'

3. Use computed property names

  • To use computed property names when creating objects with dynamic property names.

the reason is that they allow you to define all the properties of an object in one place.

function geyKey(k) {
    return `${k}`;

 * bad
const obj = {
    id: 5,
    name: 'Foshan'
obj[geyKey('enabled')] = true;

 * good
const obj = {
    id: 5,
    namd: 'Foshan',
    [geyKey('enabled')]: true

4. Use shorthand

 * bad
const atom = {
    value: 1,
    addValue: function(value) {
        return atom.value + value;

 * good
const atom = {
    value: 1,
    addValue(value) {
        return atom.value + value;
const aleenCheui = 'Aleen Cheui';

 * bad
const obj = {
    aleenCheui: aleenCheui

 * good
const obj = {

5. Group shorthand

  • To group your shorthand properties at the beginning of the object declaration.

the reason is that it's easier to tell which properties are using the shorthand.

const puiManCheui = 'PuiMan Cheui';
const syuJiZau = 'SyuJi Zau';

 * bad
const obj = {
    episodeOne: 1,
    theSecond: 2,
    episodeThree: 3,
    mayTheFourth: 4

 * good
const obj = {
    episodeOne: 1,
    theSecond: 2,
    episodeThree: 3,
    mayTheFourth: 4